Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Bruno, one of our dogs has been written about in detail already, so he most likely needs no introduction to you. However, he might need an explanation. Bruno is our outside dog. He is not allowed to come inside our home as he is a very efficient hunter of lizards, frogs, birds and cats. Yes, cats. He almost did in our beautiful black cat Sylvester when she escaped outside, after which we labelled him as our outside dog and never again tried to bring him in. His instincts for survival were taught by 7 or so years on the hard Bahamian streets. These instincts  will never leave him, he is a hunter.  Bruno loves being our yard dog, he protects us and loves us back like no dog I have ever met. Bruno, in a word, with the exception of his taste for living creatures, rocks!

A few weeks ago I was sitting out at dusk with him enjoying the beautiful Bahamian evening. He would sit by me and nudge into my leg asking for more and more affection. Bruno saw I was not going anyway so decided to take a break from me to get a drink. He nosily slurped away and was drinking such a long time I looked over. It was then that I saw it, a frog in his second bowl  of water. Bruno had no clue the frog was there, instead he just slurped away at this first bowl, enjoying the fresh water. The frog on the other hand knew Bruno was there and had flattened himself against the bottom of the dish then later onto the side of the dish, praying (I think frogs can pray) that Bruno did not see him.

Bruno was oblivious, not even once did this frog shape catch his attention, which is strange  because like I mentioned earlier, Bruno is a hunter and protector, nothing gets by him, usually.
I nervously laughed out loud, as I knew that frog had no chance if Bruno spotted him. So I stood up and went next to Bruno. I went slowly to not startle the frog to its most certain demise should it decide to hop. From my vantage point I was able to gain these pictures and still Bruno remained oblivious to what would have been a fabulous night time snack for him.

What made me laugh with Bruno was that this: there stood a trained and expert hunter,  drinking without any notion that his next meal was right beside  him. He really should have seen this opportunity. I could almost guarantee, had he still been on the streets of Nassau and that close to a frog he would not have missed out.

I am sure we have all at one time or another been oblivious to something amazing. Perhaps someone told you after the fact that you missed something. Perhaps you realized your oblivion on your own, but just too late to do anything about it.  We as humans are highly in tune to finding opportunities with which to satisfy our wants and needs. Whether your next meal, a great conversation with a friend or that beautiful walk on a beach, we are often in the process of looking for that next bit of satisfaction. But guess what, most of us walk around oblivious of what God offers us. So while we are desperately seeking contentment in our lives we often overlook or fail to even realize that the greatest means to met our human desire for joy is just waiting for us to take it.

Perhaps we are duller than we ought to be. Perhaps attempting to satisfy our joy needs with temporary remedies have deadened our instincts to pick the one that will eternally satisfy. I really cannot say why we overlook God's gifts, I just know that we do. Well let me speak for myself, I know I do, and all too often.
So for me, this lesson should remind me to drink deeply but at the right source.

Sine on my friends!

p.s the frog lives!! he was gently poured out on to the grass away from Bruno. I believe that he is actually the  same frog that now lives next to the propane tank of the BBQ. Apparently he is both stealth like and fire retardant!