Sunday, June 26, 2011

Undeniably Human

How cool it is to begin a new blog. My previous blog Uprooted to Paradise was formed out of a need, a need to better understand myself and the transition I was undergoing throughout our big move to Nassau. This blog is born from my love of writing.  This blog will give you my vantage point as I see the world through a set of  undeniably human eyes  that seek the perspective from a God who is undeniably real.

 Undeniable will have many similarities to my Uprooted to Paradise blog, after all it is crafted by the same author. You will be able to see my passion for people and animals as the main muse to my writings continue. I would hope, that through my observation of the world as I see it that my eyes and heart are opened to the lessons that God has for me through even the mundane events of life.

Why the title undeniably human? Well, that is exactly what I am. As much as I might try to deny it, I am human through and through. I am a clumsy, fidgety, imperfect, error filled human that finds her self apologizing far more than she had ever anticipated to those around her. I am flawed, I am in process, I am human. BUT.. this human is also aware I am undeniably loved by the one who made her. God is amazing in his grace and mercy in my life. This blog will be used to write about the moments when my undeniable human existence meets the undeniable love of God and all that happens because of it.
shine on my friends and welcome to undeniable.

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